Wyatt Ray's Blog

A day in the life of…

Activities that seemed like a good idea at the time September 24, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 5:04 AM


1. Iowa Cubs Game– We successfully watched 3 full minutes of a game.  And that is only because I was busy sucking the salt off shelled peanuts.  In the meantime, we did find one small puddle that I could jump in repeatedly.  Which is really funny since it hadn’t rained in over 20 days and was over 100 degrees outside.  Then I proceeded to a set of stairs that I ran up and down for 1/2 hour.  Not sure how annoyed all of the Cubs fans were, but my mom didn’t even have a chance to buy a $12 beer.

2. Chuck E Cheese’s– The funniest part about that trip is my mom actually thought I was going to eat.  Why would I want to waste valuable time doing that when there were rides calling my name.  Bob the Builder was rode no less than 86 times.  Luckily I went with my friend, Ellyson, to keep me company.  Turns out we had different taste in what was fun (see photo)!  Good news is our moms said we were cheap dates.  By the way, that giant rat is creeeeeepy.

3. Iowa State Fair– Everyone that knows me, understands my moms undying love for this event.  And I’m still trying to figure out why??  She was so excited to show me all the baby animals, ride and, most importantly, Carnies.  Much to her dismay, all I wanted was to ride on the golf cart that my mom’s company helped pimp out.  Baby chickens?… Who cares.  Camel?… No thanks.  Corndog?… Get that thing outta here. Carousel?… Waaaaaaa!  New friend Josie?…  she wasn’t very impressed with my obsession for the golf cart.  Needless to say, my mom has much higher hopes for next year.

4. Train Museum– Nana and Papa took me there (for some reason, my mom passed) during the week.  I love, love trains, so this was pretty fun.  Again, everyone seemed to have forgotten that my time limit for all activities is 6 minutes.  Then I typically cause some sort of scene if we are not doing EXACTLY what I want.  Just sayin’.



Des Moines: Heck Yes August 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 12:35 AM

Hello fellow blogger-followers! Sorry we’ve been gone for so long (almost a year!), but it really isn’t my fault.  Since we last spoke, I have learned how to crawl, eat, walk, yell, talk, run, swim, push stuff, throw stuff, put stuff in my mouth that I’m not supposed to and ride Charlie like the Donkey that he is.

Since I’m not AS needy as last year, my mom really doesn’t have any excuse for not blogging?! The next few pictures are taken by my Aunt Alison.  With the combination of her great new camera and my fabulously good looks, this photo shoot was a snap.  I told her if she could catch me holding still long enough, then she was more than welcome to take my picture.  Please note that I am wearing the new shirt she got me as a parting gift before she moved to China (I miss her lots).  It’s the toddler version from Raygun shirts.  Love it!


They see me rollin’ September 13, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 3:20 AM

If I haven’t mentioned this already, my mom is WAY behind on blogging.  She better hurry because there are too many things to keep track of, especially since we all know what a <insert sarcastic tone> great memory she has.

This fabulous incident occurred in the middle of July.  We are giving you the Cliff Notes version, as we try to in all the videos.  I know you all love me dearly, but probably don’t want to see the 3 1/2 minute video of something with the same results, when you can get the 15 second one instead.  You’re welcome very much.

And just so you know, several people saw me do this before my mom did.  But we will all pretend like this video is my very first time.  Because it was the first time mom saw it, so that makes it official.  Feel free to clap for me at the end.


Nap Nanny 911

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 2:56 AM

You can imagine the shock when we realized the Nap Nanny had been recalled?!  This is hands down my favorite contraption to hang out in, not to mention my mom loves me in it too.  Now before you start with those “judging eyes” while watching this video, you should know that while Mom was videotaping this, my dad was waiting in the wings… just in case.  And this video was taken 2 days before the recall.  I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t help their case.

I know what your next question will be: Wyatt, do you still use the Nap Nanny after it was recalled AND after you were spotted on several occasions dangling from it???  Answer: Yes.  But I get strapped in now.  Safety first, my friends.


5 Months September 8, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 8:40 PM

5 Months old and ready to rule the world… or at least my baby pool.  As you can see, I do not have the dark Italian skin that my Daddy has.  We lathered up in SPF 50, put on my SPF 60 shirt and SPF 30 hat for this photo shoot.  Turns out I hate my sunglasses almost more than I hate my hats.


“I’d say he’s probably going to like baseball better” September 7, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 4:32 AM

Ali and Mom took me swimming for the first time in mid-July.  That water was COLD, not to mention I wasn’t a huge fan.  Didn’t hate it, but didn’t love it either.  Was really just quite content sucking on my fists the whole time.  Still can’t quite figure out why anyone woke me up from a nap for this stuff?!  Anyhow, Mom says she thinks I will like the Waterbabies class at the YMCA, but I really am quite indifferent.  I suppose since she still seems to think she is the boss of me, I will let her.


3 Months June 18, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 4:36 AM

Here I am, at the 3 month mark already!  It seems I’m able to hold my head up on my own (for the most part), starting to suck my thumb, attempting to roll over and can definitely recognize people’s voices.  Oh yes, and I have discovered an addiction to TV, particularly Sponge Bob; ESPN’s Sports Center and anything on Bravo.  Last time I went to the doctor, they said I was in 30% for height, 50% for weight and 95% for head size.  In my opinion, that silly nurse must have measured incorrectly?!

My daily activities consist of (but are not limited to): singing the Belly Button song with my Nana; swatting at the animals on my jungle gym and sometimes successfully shoving them in my mouth; sitting in my bumbo chair and holding my own head up (which makes TV watching much easier); going for rides in my stroller while Charlie dangerously pulls me; being carried in the sling and figuring out which chores will be mine in a few years; attempting for my toes to touch the ground in my jumper; hanging out with my cousins at Grandma and Papa’s house; yelling baby profanities at the mobile in my crib; sucking on my fists until I gag myself; flexing my pecs for the ladies; and obsessing over my new BFF, Mr. Froggy (he doesn’t have an official name yet).  Then it’s a bath/tsunami time and off to bed for me!  Rinse and repeat for the next day.


I like to LOL–No Joking Matter May 18, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 4:08 AM

You saw it here first…. I laugh.  Out loud.  And I haven’t done it since!


2 month photo shoot May 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 3:03 PM

Two months old and ready to conquer the world!  I’m still a very happy baby and am starting to do all of the typical 2 month-old things: Coo, smile, hold my head up, recognize voices, laugh and projectile vomit on my mom.  Things that make me happy: My giraffe; my wonderful grandma’s and grandpa’s; milk; lights; mobiles; singing Madonna songs, particularly “Like a Prayer”.  Things that make me NOT happy: Tummy time; the sound of velcro ripping; Charlie licking my face; people sneezing; lip gloss of my cheek from kisses.


Tongue Tied April 20, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — WyattRay @ 4:22 AM

This week I have discovered my tongue…. now what do I do with it??  I’m sure it will only be a matter of time before I’m using it to shout out one syllable profanities.  In the mean time, I will continue to be a perfectly content baby, despite the fact that I am forced to spend time on my stomach.  It’s hard for me to see what’s going on this way, but I suppose it just gives me more time to work on getting strong enough to crawl (bwahahahaha).